11 High Cost Inspection Traps You Should Know About Weeks Before Listing Your Home For Sale

11 High Cost Inspection Traps You Should Know About Weeks Before Listing Your Home For Sale

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According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale.

Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That’s why it’s critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn prospective buyers away altogether.

In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre-inspection yourself if you know what you’re looking for. And knowing what you’re looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones.

To help homesellers deal with this issue before their home is listed, a FREE report entitled “11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection” has been compiled which explains the issues involved.

Order this report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn’t cost you the sale of your home.

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